TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki

"The Iberian wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf, endemic to the Iberian peninsula. Compared to the common Eurasian wolf, it is smaller and more lightly built. Adults measure up to 0.70 m tall at the shoulders and 1.30 m from head to tail. Mature males weigh up to 55.00 kg while females tend to weigh between 30.00 kg and 40.00 kg. It is a keystone species of the regions it inhabits, acting as a regulating force on the population of its prey. In the event of a confrontation with wolves, the best course of action is to appear as intimidating as possible. Walk backwards and avoid making yourself look small. The key to survival is standing your ground and not giving the wolves the opportunity to take you down."
― In-Game Description

The Iberian Wolf is a class 6 predator. It can be hunted in the Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve. It is the second gray wolf subspecies in the game. It is smaller than the Gray Wolf in Yukon Valley.


Behavior Social, territorial, defensive
Habitat Forested areas, away from human activity
Senses Legendary sense of hearing and smell, excellent vision
Social Organized and gregarious, live in coordinated packs with internal social structures
Active Mainly dawn and dusk, and intermittent throughout the day
Recommended Equipment Class 6 Ammo, Distressed Callers
Species Canis lupus signatus
Difficulty Hard

Need Zone Times[]

Times Activity
00:00 – 03:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding
03:00 - 06:30 DrinkingZoneIcon Drinking
06:00 - 09:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
09:00 - 12:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
12:00 - 15:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
15:00 - 18:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
18:00 - 21:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding
21:00 - 00:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding

Shot scheme[]

Color code
Iberian Wolf shot sceme
Red - Kills immediately
Blue - Kills very quick
Orange - Kills slowly
No Color - Unlikely to kill

Fur Variants[]

Fur Variant Rarity[1][]

Sex Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Quest
Male/Female Grey Brown (74.70%),
Grey (25.00%)
Olive (0.07%),
Pristine (0.07%),
Winter (0.07%)
Albino (0.05%),
Melanistic (0.05%)


  • The best place to hunt Iberian wolf is in the north-east corner of the map, behind the lake.
  • In real life, wolf howls can be heard up to 6 miles (Nearly 10 km) in forests and 10 miles in a open habitat (plains, tundra, etc)
  • In the game, the wolf howls that can frequently be heard, can be considered 'ambient sounds' and do not mean there are wolves nearby.
  • Wolves in the game growl before they attack you. These growls aren't a trackable sound (they aren't a "warning" or "mating" call)
  • The following is not confirmed, but in the game, if you kill the 'alpha wolf' of a pack while being attacked, the other pack members will flee. [Rumors]
  • Melanistic wolves are more common in real life amongst north American wolves than European wolves.
Class1Icon Class 1 AntelopeJackrabbitIcon Antelope JackrabbitBlackGrouseIcon Black GrouseBobwhiteQuailIcon Bobwhite QuailCanadaGooseIcon Canada GooseCinnamonTealIcon Cinnamon TealEurasianTealIcon Eurasian TealEurasianWigeonIcon Eurasian WigeonEasternCottontailRabbitIcon Eastern Cottontail RabbitEasternWildTurkeyIcon Eastern Wild TurkeyEuropeanHareIcon European HareEuropeanRabbitIcon European RabbitGoldeneyeIcon GoldeneyeGreenWingTealIcon Green Winged TealGreylagGooseIcon Greylag GooseHarlequinDuckIcon Harlequin DuckHazelGrouseIcon Hazel GrouseMagpieGoose frame Magpie GooseMallardIcon MallardMerriam'sTurkeyIcon Merriam TurkeyMountainHareIcon Mountain HareRockPtarmiganIcon Rock PtarmiganRing-NeckedPheasantIcon Ring-Necked PheasantRioGrandeTurkeyIcon Rio Grande TurkeyScrubHareIcon Scrub HareStubbleQuail frame Stubble QuailTuftedDuckIcon Tufted DuckTundraBeanGooseIcon Tundra Bean GooseWesternCapercaillieIcon Western CapercaillieWillowPtarmiganIcon Willow PtarmiganWhite-tailedJackrabbitIcon White-tailed JackrabbitWoollyHareIcon Woolly Hare
Class2Icon Class 2 BobcatIcon BobcatCommonRaccoonIcon Common RaccoonCoyoteIcon CoyoteGrayFoxIcon Gray FoxMexicanBobcatIcon Mexican BobcatNorthernRedMuntjacIcon Northern Red MuntjacRaccoonDogIcon Raccoon DogRedFoxIcon Red FoxSiberianMuskDeerIcon Siberian Musk DeerSide-stripedJackalIcon Side-Striped JackalTibetanFoxIcon Tibetan Fox
Class3Icon Class 3 AxisDeerIcon Axis DeerBlackbuckIcon BlackbuckChamoisIcon ChamoisCollaredPeccaryIcon Collared PeccaryEurasianLynxIcon Eurasian LynxFeralGoatIcon Feral GoatHogDeer frame Hog DeerPronghornIcon PronghornRoeDeerIcon Roe DeerSpringbokIcon Springbok
Class4Icon Class 4 BeceiteIbexIcon Beceite IbexBlacktailDeerIcon Blacktail DeerBlueSheepIcon Blue SheepKangaroo frame Eastern Gray KangarooFallowDeerIcon Fallow DeerGredosIbexIcon Gredos IbexLesserKuduIcon Lesser KuduMountainGoatIcon Mountain GoatRondaIbexIcon Ronda IbexSikaDeerIcon Sika DeerSnowLeopardIcon Snow LeopardSoutheasternSpanishIbexIcon Southeastern Spanish IbexTahrIcon TahrWarthogIcon WarthogWhitetailDeerIcon Whitetail Deer
Class5Icon Class 5 BighornSheepIcon Bighorn SheepFeralPigIcon Feral PigIberianMouflonIcon Iberian MouflonJavanRusa frame Javan RusaMountainLionIcon Mountain LionMuleDeerIcon Mule DeerPuma PumaWildBoarIcon Wild BoarWildHogIcon Wild Hog
Class6Icon Class 6 BarasinghaIcon BarasinghaBlueWildebeestIcon Blue WildebeestCaribouIcon CaribouGemsbokIcon GemsbokGrayWolfIcon Gray WolfIberianWolfIcon Iberian WolfNilgaiIcon NilgaiRedDeerIcon Red DeerReindeerIcon Reindeer
Class7Icon Class 7 AmericanAlligatorIcon American AlligatorBlackBearIcon Black BearEurasianBrownBearIcon Eurasian Brown BearRockyMountainElkIcon Rocky Mountain ElkRooseveltElkIcon Roosevelt ElkSambar frame Sambar
Class8Icon Class 8 GrizzlyBearIcon Grizzly BearMooseIcon MooseCrocodile frame Saltwater Crocodile
Class9Icon Class 9 Banteng frame BantengBengalTigerIcon Bengal TigerCapeBuffaloIcon Cape BuffaloEuropeanBisonIcon European BisonLionIcon LionPlainsBisonIcon Plains BisonWaterBuffaloIcon Water BuffaloWildYakIcon Wild Yak