TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki
TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki

"Also known as the wild swine or the Eurasian wild pig, the wild boar is native to most parts of Europe and Asia. It is also one of the most spread and adaptable mammals in the world, characterized by their bulky bodies, coarse fur, and prominent shoulder hump. Their head is shaped and used as a veritable plow, allowing them to upturn considerable amounts of soil and rocks weighing 40 - 50 kg (88 - 110 lb). A wild boar can run up to 40 km (25 mi) per hour and jump obstacles above 1.50 m (59 inches). Boars are highly social animals and tend to live in groups. Hunters should take considerable care as boars are very tough and will not hesitate to defend themselves if threatened."
― In-Game Description

The Wild Boar is a medium-sized kind of swine (class 4). It can be hunted in three areas, Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve, Medved-Taiga National Park, and Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve. It is one of three huntable animals in the game of the species of Sus scrofa (Boar), the other ones being the Feral Pig and the Wild Hog.


Behavior Easily agitated and aggressive
Habitat Deciduous forests and open fields
Senses Excellent hearing and sense of smell
Social Highly social and vocal animals. Lives in medium-sized groups
Active During night
Recommended Equipment Class 5 Ammo, Wild Boar Caller, Wild Boar Scent
Species Sus scrofa
Difficulty Average

Need Zone Times[]

Need zone times are identical in all three reserves, Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve, Medved-Taiga National Park and Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve.

Times Activity
00:00 - 03:30 DrinkingZoneIcon Drinking
03:00 - 06:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding
6:00 - 10:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
10:00 - 14:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
14:00 - 17:30 RestingZoneIcon Resting
17:00 - 21:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding
21:00 - 00:30 FeedingZoneIcon Feeding

Shot scheme[]

Color code
Wild boar shot scheme
Red - Kills immediately
Blue - Kills very quick
Orange - Kills slowly
No Color - Unlikely to kill

Fur variants[]



Fur Variant Rarity[]

Sex Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare
Male Light Brown Variation 1 (33,23%),
Light Brown Variation 2 (33,23%),
Brown (33,23%)
X Blackgold (0,20%) Albino (0,05%),
Melanistic (0,05%)
Female Light Brown (33,23%),
Dark Brown (33,23%),
Brown (33,23%)
X Blackgold (0,20%) Albino (0,05%),
Melanistic (0,05%)


  • The Wild Boar is one of the original animals that were present ingame at launch.
  • Wild Boar are the most widespread swine in the world. It exists on every continent except Antarctica.
  • All domestic pig breeds descend from the Wild Boar.
  • In French, it is called "sanglier."
Class1Icon Class 1 AntelopeJackrabbitIcon Antelope JackrabbitBlackGrouseIcon Black GrouseBobwhiteQuailIcon Bobwhite QuailCanadaGooseIcon Canada GooseCinnamonTealIcon Cinnamon TealEurasianTealIcon Eurasian TealEurasianWigeonIcon Eurasian WigeonEasternCottontailRabbitIcon Eastern Cottontail RabbitEasternWildTurkeyIcon Eastern Wild TurkeyEuropeanHareIcon European HareEuropeanRabbitIcon European RabbitFerruginousDuckIcon Ferruginous DuckGadwallIcon GadwallGoldeneyeIcon GoldeneyeGreenWingTealIcon Green Winged TealGreylagGooseIcon Greylag GooseHarlequinDuckIcon Harlequin DuckHazelGrouseIcon Hazel GrouseMagpieGoose frame Magpie GooseMallardIcon MallardMerriam'sTurkeyIcon Merriam TurkeyMountainHareIcon Mountain HareRockPtarmiganIcon Rock PtarmiganRing-NeckedPheasantIcon Ring-Necked PheasantRioGrandeTurkeyIcon Rio Grande TurkeyScrubHareIcon Scrub HareStubbleQuail frame Stubble QuailTuftedDuckIcon Tufted DuckTundraBeanGooseIcon Tundra Bean GooseWesternCapercaillieIcon Western CapercaillieWillowPtarmiganIcon Willow PtarmiganWhite-tailedJackrabbitIcon White-tailed JackrabbitWoollyHareIcon Woolly Hare
Class2Icon Class 2 BobcatIcon BobcatCommonRaccoonIcon Common RaccoonCoyoteIcon CoyoteGrayFoxIcon Gray FoxMexicanBobcatIcon Mexican BobcatNorthernRedMuntjacIcon Northern Red MuntjacRaccoonDogIcon Raccoon DogRedFoxIcon Red FoxSiberianMuskDeerIcon Siberian Musk DeerSide-stripedJackalIcon Side-Striped JackalTibetanFoxIcon Tibetan Fox
Class3Icon Class 3 AxisDeerIcon Axis DeerBlackbuckIcon BlackbuckChamoisIcon ChamoisCollaredPeccaryIcon Collared PeccaryEurasianLynxIcon Eurasian LynxFeralGoatIcon Feral GoatHogDeer frame Hog DeerPronghornIcon PronghornRoeDeerIcon Roe DeerSpringbokIcon Springbok
Class4Icon Class 4 BeceiteIbexIcon Beceite IbexBlacktailDeerIcon Blacktail DeerBlueSheepIcon Blue SheepKangaroo frame Eastern Gray KangarooFallowDeerIcon Fallow DeerGredosIbexIcon Gredos IbexLesserKuduIcon Lesser KuduMountainGoatIcon Mountain GoatRondaIbexIcon Ronda IbexSikaDeerIcon Sika DeerSnowLeopardIcon Snow LeopardSoutheasternSpanishIbexIcon Southeastern Spanish IbexTahrIcon TahrWarthogIcon WarthogWhitetailDeerIcon Whitetail Deer
Class5Icon Class 5 BighornSheepIcon Bighorn SheepFeralPigIcon Feral PigIberianMouflonIcon Iberian MouflonJavanRusa frame Javan RusaMountainLionIcon Mountain LionMuleDeerIcon Mule DeerPuma PumaWildBoarIcon Wild BoarWildHogIcon Wild Hog
Class6Icon Class 6 BarasinghaIcon BarasinghaBlueWildebeestIcon Blue WildebeestCaribouIcon CaribouGemsbokIcon GemsbokGrayWolfIcon Gray WolfIberianWolfIcon Iberian WolfNilgaiIcon NilgaiRedDeerIcon Red DeerReindeerIcon Reindeer
Class7Icon Class 7 AmericanAlligatorIcon American AlligatorBlackBearIcon Black BearEurasianBrownBearIcon Eurasian Brown BearRockyMountainElkIcon Rocky Mountain ElkRooseveltElkIcon Roosevelt ElkSambar frame Sambar
Class8Icon Class 8 GrizzlyBearIcon Grizzly BearMooseIcon MooseCrocodile frame Saltwater Crocodile
Class9Icon Class 9 Banteng frame BantengBengalTigerIcon Bengal TigerCapeBuffaloIcon Cape BuffaloEuropeanBisonIcon European BisonLionIcon LionPlainsBisonIcon Plains BisonWaterBuffaloIcon Water BuffaloWildYakIcon Wild Yak